
Red Raspberry

Cultivar Name Kokanee
Patent Number 28,666
Patent Owner USDA-ARS
Berry Size Medium to large
Comparable in size to ‘Vintage’
Growth Habit More vigorous than ‘Vintage’
Thorns Present? Yes, but smoother and less prickly than ‘Heritage’
Ripening Season Late ripening
Harvest begins before ‘Heritage’ and after ‘Vintage’
Chilling Hours N/A
Zone Wherever primocane fruiting raspberries are grown
Well-adapted to the Pacific Northwest
Notes Primocane fruiting
Bright red in color with excellent and sweet flavor
Less seedy than ‘Heritage’
Shows promise as a wholesale, fresh berry market
pH and acidity are appropriate for processed products
Yields higher than ‘Heritage’ and significantly higher than ‘Vintage’